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Start of applications for the Smart Country Startup Award

In 2022, startups PipePredict and VoteBase secured the coveted Smart Country Startup Award.
Startups have until October 8 to apply in the "Smart City" and "GovTech" categories. The award ceremony will take place on November 8 as part of the Smart Country Convention in Berlin.
In the "Smart City" category, startups are sought that develop creative approaches to enrich the lives of citizens in various areas such as mobility, environment, health and education. In the "GovTech" category, startups that use innovative technologies to make administrative processes more efficient and smarter are eligible to apply.
Smart Country Startup Award connects government to startups
The Smart Country Startup Award, organized by Get Started, the startup initiative of Bitkom, creates a bridge between emerging startups and the requirements of the public sector. Daniel Breitinger, Head of Startups at Bitkom, emphasizes the importance of collaboration: "Startups offer huge potential for cities and municipalities because they have innovative ideas and rely on the latest digital technologies. What they often lack, on the other hand, is access to the public sector. The Smart Country Startup Award therefore brings startups and administrations together at the Smart Country Convention."
Startups can submit their ideas and prototypes until October 8. The selected finalists will get the chance to pitch their projects in front of a broad audience and a jury of experts at SCCON. The winners will not only receive prize money of 5,000 euros, but also a free membership to Get Started. For more information on the competition and the application form, visit
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As a driving force for the future of digital administration and for equal digital living and working conditions in cities and rural areas, the Smart Country Convention is a must for all stakeholders who actively advance the digital transformation. Are you interested in advancing the digitization of our cities and municipalities too? Join us and position your company or municipality as an expert in digitalization in the public sector.