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Expo-Highlight alfaview: How to communicate citizen-centred & barrier-free

Photo: alfaview
Through virtual contact with citizens and networking with other offices, work processes can be streamlined and accelerated, and (language) barriers can be broken down.
In order to implement the Online Access Act, which obliges the federal, state and local governments to offer their administrative services digitally, appropriate services must be created. The fact that this has only been partially achieved so far is shown by the Germany Index of Digitisation 2023: Although many federal states have already made considerable progress, only slightly more than half of the administrative services of the municipalities surveyed could be handled online.
Virtual communication platforms such as the DSGVO-compliant German software alfaview play an important role in the development of a digital administrative structure: communication with citizens and the public is facilitated enormously by being able to conduct citizen consultations, official channels or press conferences online. With options such as support for screen readers or keyboard navigation, alfaview also facilitates barrier-free communication. The transcription and translation functions enable inclusive communication with hearing-impaired or foreign-language speakers.
Digital office platforms like alfaview also offer great advantages for internal communication: Teams can work together productively virtually, regardless of location and with the help of a variety of collaboration tools. This enables new working models with a more flexible work-life balance for employees - this is the only way that the public administration can remain an attractive employer for qualified specialists in the future.
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