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Expo-Highlight Barco: Following the Finnish model for a digital society

The digital society based on the Finnish model

The digital society

Gofore is a consultancy that has distinguished itself through its leading role in Finland's digitalization and has contributed significantly to the development of the country's digital infrastructure. We develop human-centered digital services that integrate seamlessly into citizens' everyday lives. In doing so, we rely on technologies such as cloud solutions, artificial intelligence and automation. Together with our customers, we shape the building blocks of the digital society, from administration and digital identities to secure data exchange. Digital services should function smoothly so that they are barely recognizable as such in everyday life. The underlying systems communicate intelligently with each other and allow users to concentrate on their tasks without being distracted by technology. However, a human-centered digital society requires more than just technological innovations. Holistic management is necessary to ensure that digital services are technically up-to-date, user-oriented from the ground up and meet people's needs. Together with our customers, we are taking this path step by step. In our book “A Humanely Digital Society – From the Finnish Changemakers to You”, we offer insights into the Finnish approach to a humane digital society. It shows how digital solutions are successfully used to make people's everyday lives easier and to make interaction with services more intuitive. The book offers best practices and experiences shared by experts who have been working in this field for years. The Finnish model shows that digitalization is most effective when the focus is on people. In Germany, we are also pursuing this human-centered approach to drive forward the digital transformation of society.

Gofore Germany GmbH
Munich, Germany

Hall 25, Both 336
Contact: Tessa Tienhaara

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