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Become a sponsor of the Smart Country Startup Award

The form for 2025 will be available shortly.

Important information for filling out the form

  • Please fill in all mandatory fields marked with *
  • While filling out the form please note the timeout after 30 minutes. The form cannot be saved temporarily.
  • Your consent is given by the double opt-in procedure in a two-step process:
    1. You fill out the form completely and click on "submit".
    2. The system automatically sends you an email that contains a link you have to click to give your consent.
  • Please also check your SPAM mailbox for the confirmation mail, if necessary. If you do not receive an email after submitting the form, please contact us immediately at T +49 30 3038 2300 or

This page is currently being updated and brought up to date. Further information concerning #SCCON25 will follow at a later date.


*mandatory field


Get Started Team by Bitkom
The Bitkom Startup Initiative
T +49 30 27576 0

Sponsoring Startup Award

October 16,2024 | Plaza Stage