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Our Partner Country 2024
Digital pioneer Latvia
Last year's partner country, Latvia, presented itself at Smart Country Convention as a global leader in digitalization and data security. President Edgars Rinkēvičs and Minister of Economics Viktors Valainis provided valuable insights into how the country is advancing the digitalization of its administration.

„In recent years, Latvia has distinguished itself through the digitization of public services, improving accessibility and increasing efficiency and transparency for its citizens. Our IT sector provides the technological know-how and innovative solutions necessary to drive the digital and sustainable economy. It is important for the European Union to share its knowledge of innovations among its member states and enhance its competitiveness as a whole on a global level. The initiative of the German-Baltic Digital Innovation Club, launched last year, demonstrates this shared goal of our policymakers and serves as a solid foundation for further strengthening economic cooperation and knowledge exchange.“
Mission Latvia
Latvia and the Baltic States have developed into leading regions in the areas of digitalisation and data security and represent a highly networked society. In Latvia, 84% of internet users access eGovernment services and digital IDs to handle over 91% of public services online. This enables citizens to carry out almost all administrative procedures from the comfort of their own homes. These digital services not only increase convenience for the people of Latvia, but also increase the efficiency and transparency of government work.
External video source: #missionLatvia on YouTube
Leading position in digital infrastructure and cyber security
Latvia is also the leader in mobile data usage among OECD countries and is one of the leading EU countries in terms of high-speed internet coverage. The country ranks fifth in the world in the National Cyber Security Index, reflecting the comprehensive measures taken to protect the digital infrastructure and defend against cyber threats.
E-government and digital services

A key element of Latvia's digital transformation is its comprehensive e-government system, which offers citizens access to a wide range of online services such as tax declarations, health records and business registrations. The "" portal serves as a central point of contact for these digital services. Since 2020, Latvia has been the only EU country in which the entire administrative process in the construction sector has been fully digitalised, meaning that new construction projects are submitted exclusively in digital form. Latvia is also the only EU country that enables digital tracking of demolition and construction waste, which ensures efficient and environmentally friendly disposal.
Innovations in the healthcare sector
In 2022, several improvements were made to the national electronic healthcare system, including a function that allows people in Latvia to manage their consent to organ donation and the authorisation of others to approve medical treatment via their electronic health cards.
5G technologies in use

Latvia is also a leader in the development of industrial and innovative applications of 5G technologies. The country has launched the first 5G military test field in Europe. This test bed enables the National Armed Forces, the Ministry of Defence and NATO and EU allies to research and develop various military applications of 5G. Ongoing experiments will combine the use of augmented reality and virtual reality with 5G technologies to test their potential in real-life scenarios. In addition, a maritime 5G test field has been anchored in the Baltic Sea to ensure seamless 5G connectivity and to develop and test innovations such as autonomous shipping and remote control centres for the maritime industry.
Economic importance of the ICT sector
The information and communication technology (ICT) sector accounts for 6% of Latvia's gross domestic product (GDP) and generates a turnover of over 5 billion euros. By comparison, the ICT sector accounts for 5.3% of GDP in Germany and 4.8% in France. The Latvian ICT sector is growing rapidly and is recording a continuous increase in its share of GDP. Over 10,000 companies employ more than 30,000 people in this sector. More information can be found on the Latvian IT Cluster website and at LIKTA - the Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association.
Semiconductor capacities and microchip ecosystem
In November 2022, Latvia signed a Memorandum of Understanding with 12 partners to develop semiconductor capabilities along the entire value chain. This includes the development of the microchip ecosystem, improvement of education and research capacities as well as production capabilities. Since 2010, the electronic and optical devices sector has been the fastest growing manufacturing sector in Latvia, with 90% of electronic devices produced being exported to the world.
Women in leadership positions

Latvia has the highest proportion of women in management positions in Europe. There is a particular focus on the integration of women into the ICT sector, making Latvia one of the leading EU countries in science and engineering for women.
The Riga TechGirls initiative promotes diversity and inclusion and provides training, mentoring and career support for women in technology.
Looking to the future

Latvia's economy is growing faster than the EU average - thanks in particular to its digital structures, which offer ideal conditions for businesses. A business-friendly tax and legal system, a well-educated, multilingual labour force and a high proportion of students create ideal conditions for growth and development. Latvia ranks 2nd in the International Tax Competitiveness Index among OECD countries and 3rd in the EU for the share of renewable energy.
Latvia also has its sights firmly set on the UN Sustainable Development Goals. As one of the leading countries worldwide, Latvia ranks 13th out of 167 countries. This ranking places Latvia not only ahead of its Baltic neighbours - Lithuania and Estonia - but also ahead of the Netherlands, Luxembourg and the USA.
Latvia has established itself as a digital pioneer and impressively demonstrates how consistent digitalisation can increase both efficiency and quality of life. The Smart Country Convention offers the ideal platform to present these developments and further promote the exchange of knowledge and innovation.
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A look back at our partner countries
Every year, the Smart Country Convention focuses on a particular country, as digitization does not stop at national borders. Looking beyond the horizon is worthwhile – to gain knowledge, network and exchange views. In recent years Denmark, Lithuania, Austria, Ukraine and Latvia, also pioneers, have shown how digitizing local government and developing smart cities and regions can succeed.